The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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  • Regiment = Gordon Highlanders
  • Locality = Pas de Calais

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
CRAIG HERBERT EDWIN HOLROYD H E H Gordon Highlanders 9th Bn. CHOCQUES MILITARY CEMETERY France Pas de Calais 1915-08-29
DE VOS JOHN HENRY J H Gordon Highlanders 1st/7th Bn. TERLINCTHUN BRITISH CEMETERY, WIMILLE France Pas de Calais 1918-08-02
FIENNES JOHN EUSTACE J E Gordon Highlanders 2nd Bn. DUISANS BRITISH CEMETERY, ETRUN France Pas de Calais 1917-06-18
HOTCHKIS GILBERT G Gordon Highlanders 8th/10th Bn. WANCOURT BRITISH CEMETERY France Pas de Calais 1917-04-23
KEITH HECTOR MACDONALD H M Gordon Highlanders 1st Bn. VIS-EN-ARTOIS MEMORIAL France Pas de Calais 1918-08-30
LEEKBLADE ALBERT THOMAS A T Gordon Highlanders 2nd Bn. LOOS MEMORIAL France Pas de Calais 1915-09-25
LETTERS THOMAS ARTHUR T A Gordon Highlanders 3rd Bn. LE TOURET MEMORIAL France Pas de Calais 1915-03-13
LYALL JAMES J Gordon Highlanders 1st Bn. COUIN BRITISH CEMETERY France Pas de Calais 1916-11-14
MACLEOD DAVID D Gordon Highlanders 8th Bn. DUISANS BRITISH CEMETERY, ETRUN France Pas de Calais 1917-12-19
McDOWALL JOHN ROBERT J R Gordon Highlanders 1st/4th Bn. ROEUX BRITISH CEMETERY France Pas de Calais 1917-04-23
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