The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
ROWAN ROWLAND WILLIAM R W South African Air Force 4 Sqdn. ANCONA WAR CEMETERY Italy 1944-05-14
ROWAN SIDNEY ERNEST S E South African Corps of Military Police CAPE TOWN (MAITLAND) CEMETERY South Africa Western Cape 1943-06-25
ROWAN TREVOR AUBREY T A Duke of Edinburgh's Own Rifles, S.A. Forces 1st Bn. ADDIS ABABA WAR CEMETERY Ethiopia 1941-07-12
ROWAN WALTER W South African Infantry 9th Regt. DAR ES SALAAM WAR CEMETERY Tanzania 1916-05-11
ROWCROFT ALBERT EDWARD A E General Service Corps, S.A. Forces CASERTA WAR CEMETERY Italy 1946-04-02
ROWE ARTHUR ROBERT REGINALD A R R Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment) 17th Bn. VLAMERTINGHE MILITARY CEMETERY Belgium Ieper, West-Vlaanderen 1917-02-07
ROWE CECIL C South African Air Force 146 Sqdn. CALCUTTA (BHOWANIPORE) CEMETERY India 1943-03-08
ROWE DANIEL DONALD D D Civilian War Dead S.S. "CERAMIC" Lost at Sea 1942-12-06
ROWE DENNIS DOUGLAS D D Imperial Light Horse, S.A. Forces 1st HALFAYA SOLLUM WAR CEMETERY Egypt 1941-12-31
ROWE FRED WILLIAM F W South African Mounted Rifles 5th Regt. LUDERITZ MUNICIPAL CEMETERY Namibia 1915-08-20