South Africa War Graves Project

How You Can Assist

Due to the massive nature of the task involved, volunteers are needed in many different areas. Contact us to find out how you can help.

War Grave Photographers

Lists for all countries that have South Africa & Rhodesia war dead can be provided to interested volunteers. In South Africa, however, we do not have lists of 2nd Anglo-Boer War graves or their locations. Volunteers are asked to submit these when they are found. Please review the Photo Guide before commencing any work.


In order to complete the database, we will eventually need assistance in figuring out how some of these men died. Currently 40% of our records have no circumstance of death listed, another 40% have no Next of Kin details listed and another 40% have no Given names listed (only initials). We’ll require original regimental unit histories, photographs, personal stories and any extra information that can be found. As well we need cemetery lists to be created for those who died outside WW1 and WW2. Currently SAWGP has no such information other then the Border War / Non World War / Police listing.

National or Regional Coordinators

A National coordinator coordinates volunteers for that country, i.e. organizes volunteers, responds to emails from that country, updates country spreadsheets, works with other 4 projects as representative for the SAWGP in that country. Regional coordinator serves as the same function as a National Coordinator but in a lesser capacity, like a particular area of a certain country, i.e. Kwazulu Natal in South Africa.

If we don’t already have a National or Regional Coordinator for a certain country or area we would welcome your involvement, email the project director.

Database Creator

Anyone who has experience with building an Access database and converting to MySQL server (what our webhosting service supports) is asked to contact the Project Director for further information (contact info).

This database will eventually be run off this website.

Much of the information we have comes from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and we’ll need to separate this information for the database -- a large and complex job, considering there are nearly 31,000 names to complete (more if you add the graves from the 2nd Anglo-Boer War).

Link to Us

Put a link to us on your website.

Our URL is

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