The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
BOESNACK HENDRIK H Military Labour Corps KILWA AREA CEMETERY ? Tanzania 1917-04-10
BOKAKO ZABULON Z Military Labour Corps KILWA AREA CEMETERY ? Tanzania 1917-04-09
BONSER DAVID D Military Labour Corps KILWA AREA CEMETERY ? Tanzania 1917-03-23
BOOI BLESS B Military Labour Corps MOHORO AREA CEMETERY ? Tanzania 1917-04-06
BOOI ELIAS E Military Labour Corps Railway Section MOUNT FLETCHER AREA CEMETERY ? South Africa Eastern Cape 1917-07-16
BOOISE DAVID D Military Labour Corps UNKNOWN CEMETERY East Africa 1917-06-30
BOOISE SAM S Military Labour Corps WATSONSDORP DC MISSION BURIAL GROUND South Africa Western Cape 1917-05-05
BOOYSEN KORT K Military Labour Corps PORT ELIZABETH (NORTH END) CEMETERY South Africa Eastern Cape 1917-06-06
BOOYSEN PHILLIP P Military Labour Corps DIED AT SEA Lost at Sea 1917-04-10
BOOYSEN STEPHEN S Military Labour Corps KILWA AREA CEMETERY ? Tanzania 1917-03-13