The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
BOTES FREDERIK JOHANNES F J Mounted Commandos, S.A. Forces Geyser's Commando ZANDFONTEIN FARM BURIAL GROUND, WATERBERG South Africa Limpopo Province 1914-11-08
CRONNING BARTHOLEMEW PETER B P Mounted Commandos, S.A. Forces Geyser's Commando ZANDFONTEIN FARM BURIAL GROUND, WATERBERG South Africa Limpopo Province 1914-11-08
DE WILDE ALBERT CORNELIS A C Mounted Commandos, S.A. Forces Geyser's Commando ZANDFONTEIN FARM BURIAL GROUND, WATERBERG South Africa Limpopo Province 1914-11-08
DEVANNER H J Mounted Commandos, S.A. Forces Geyser's Commando ZANDFONTEIN FARM BURIAL GROUND, WATERBERG South Africa Limpopo Province 1914-11-06
DU PREEZ F J J Mounted Commandos, S.A. Forces Geyser's Commando ZANDFONTEIN FARM BURIAL GROUND, WATERBERG South Africa Limpopo Province 1914-11-08
GELDENHUYS ELIAS JACOBUS E J Mounted Commandos, S.A. Forces Geyser's Commando ZANDFONTEIN FARM BURIAL GROUND, WATERBERG South Africa Limpopo Province 1914-11-08
NAGEL JAN J Mounted Commandos, S.A. Forces Geyser's Commando ZANDFONTEIN FARM BURIAL GROUND, WATERBERG South Africa Limpopo Province 1914-11-08
NEL JEREMIA DANIEL J D Mounted Commandos, S.A. Forces Geyser's Commando ZANDFONTEIN FARM BURIAL GROUND, WATERBERG South Africa Limpopo Province 1914-11-08
VAN DER MERWE J C Mounted Commandos, S.A. Forces Geyser's Commando ZANDFONTEIN FARM BURIAL GROUND, WATERBERG South Africa Limpopo Province 1914-11-08
WRIGHTON ALBERT WILLIAM A W Mounted Commandos, S.A. Forces Geyser's Commando ZANDFONTEIN FARM BURIAL GROUND, WATERBERG South Africa Limpopo Province 1914-11-08

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