***Note if the online
request form does not work, try using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome,
as Internet Explorer does not always work!
In Remembrance
South Africa's War Dead

A South
African Soldier of the Great War - Known Unto God. Buried in DELVILLE
© the late Fred Killick
The South
Africa War Graves Project
The goal of the South Africa
War Graves Project is to archive photographs of every single South African
& Rhodesian war grave from the 2nd Anglo-Boer War, Bambatha Rebellion,
WW1, Rand Revolt, WW2, Korea, Freedom Struggle, Angola-Border War, Non
World War and Police to present day. These photos will either be in the
format of a picture of a headstone or a name on a memorial. These photos
will eventually be made freely to the family, friends of the deceased
serviceperson, school groups, veterans groups and MOTH shell-holes through
this website.
Most of the families and friends of South Africa's (and Rhodesia's) war
dead will never get a chance to visit the graves of these fallen service
people due to the distances and expenses involved with such a journey.
Hopefully by archiving these photos we will be able to close a missing
chapter in many people’s lives by supplying them a photo of the
last resting place of a loved one. By archiving these photos will have
created an online South African and Rhodesian national war cemetery. The
future generations in turn will hopefully be able to learn from this archive,
remember and never forget.

Latest News
and Updates
- November 9, 2013 - we went live with our online database!
Thousands and
thousands of records have been updated. Have you searched for your relative
yet? We constantly update hundreds of records a day to the online database.
Watch this space for more details or visit us on Facebook!
if the online request form does not work, try using Mozilla Firefox or
Google Chrome, as Internet Explorer does not always work!
24 June 2018
- Note we have been behind in updating the website homepage and spreadsheet
list, the online database is updated daily. Our efforts are concentrated
there. We are always looking to add new information, complete first names,
dates of birth, family details and are always looking for photos. On average
50 records a day are updated. If you have any information or photos you
can share it would be appreciated.
24 June 2018
- Israel page updated.
November 28, 2017
- Nigeria page updated.
Our Sister

Link to us |
South African & Rhodesian war graves (known to date) including Bambatha
Rebellion / Rand Revolt / Korea / Border War / Non World War / Police
war graves or names on memorials have been photographed
Project Address
Ralph McLean
2350 - 27th Avenue
Edmonton , Alberta
T6T 0A6

hits since
September 2004