The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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  • Unit = 75th (Natal) Siege Bty.

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
BIRT CLARENCE ERIC C E South African Heavy Artillery 75th (Natal) Siege Bty. VIS-EN-ARTOIS BRITISH CEMETERY, HAUCOURT France Pas de Calais 1918-09-15
BRUKMAN JOHN SINCLAIR J S South African Heavy Artillery 75th (Natal) Siege Bty. VIS-EN-ARTOIS BRITISH CEMETERY, HAUCOURT France Pas de Calais 1918-09-08
CHAPLIN LOUIS AUGUSTINE L A South African Heavy Artillery 75th (Natal) Siege Bty. LA TARGETTE BRITISH CEMETERY, NEUVILLE-ST. VAAST France Pas de Calais 1918-04-09
EATON JACK J South African Heavy Artillery 75th (Natal) Siege Bty. STE. EMILIE VALLEY CEMETERY, VILLERS-FAUCON France Somme 1917-04-21
FRANCKE JOHN WILLIAM J W South African Heavy Artillery 75th (Natal) Siege Bty. BARD COTTAGE CEMETERY Belgium Ieper, West-Vlaanderen 1917-09-23
JEFFERIES NEVILLE COOPER N C South African Heavy Artillery 75th (Natal) Siege Bty. STE. EMILIE VALLEY CEMETERY, VILLERS-FAUCON France Somme 1917-04-21
MASON ERIC WIER E W South African Heavy Artillery 75th (Natal) Siege Bty. BOULOGNE EASTERN CEMETERY France Pas de Calais 1917-08-12
MITCHELL JAMES HOWARD J H South African Heavy Artillery 75th (Natal) Siege Bty. GWALIA CEMETERY Belgium Ieper, West-Vlaanderen 1917-09-08
PEARSON BENJAMIN B South African Heavy Artillery 75th (Natal) Siege Bty. FOUQUESCOURT BRITISH CEMETERY France Somme 1917-02-09
RUMBLE HAROLD H South African Heavy Artillery 75th (Natal) Siege Bty. TINCOURT NEW BRITISH CEMETERY France Somme 1917-07-03
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