The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
ANGELL BENJAMIN EYRE B E King's African Rifles 1st IRINGA CEMETERY Tanzania 1917-02-20
BIDDULPH PERCIVAL VINCENT P V King's African Rifles 1st/3rd DAR ES SALAAM WAR CEMETERY Tanzania 1917-07-19
BOOTY WILLIAM GEORGE STANBURY W G S King's African Rifles 1st IRINGA CEMETERY Tanzania 1916-10-30
BUDGE JAMES EDWARD ALEXANDER STACK J E A S King's African Rifles 34th (Uganda) Bn. IMPHAL WAR CEMETERY India 1944-12-19
ECKSTEIN LUDWIG ALFRED L A King's African Rifles 1st/2nd DAR ES SALAAM WAR CEMETERY Tanzania 1916-11-23
HILL RALPH GRENFELL R G King's African Rifles 1st IRINGA CEMETERY Tanzania 1917-02-19
HOFFA JAMES MICHAEL CROSBY J M C King's African Rifles 1st/3rd DAR ES SALAAM WAR CEMETERY Tanzania 1917-07-28
IRELAND HERBERT FLETCHER H F King's African Rifles 1st/3rd DAR ES SALAAM WAR CEMETERY Tanzania 1917-07-22
KENDRICK ARTHUR PERCY A P King's African Rifles 1st IRINGA CEMETERY Tanzania 1917-10-09
LESLIE LESLIE FRANCIS ELLINGTON L F E King's African Rifles 1st IRINGA CEMETERY Tanzania 1917-08-20
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