The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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  • Regiment = Protectorate Garrison Regiment

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
OBERHOLZER W C Protectorate Garrison Regiment "B" Coy. AUS MILITARY CEMETERY Namibia 1918-10-18
OTTO SABRAND JOHANNES S J Protectorate Garrison Regiment THABA TSHWANE (OLD No.1) MILITARY CEMETERY South Africa Gauteng 1918-10-08
PERRING HENRY CHARLES H C Protectorate Garrison Regiment AUS MILITARY CEMETERY Namibia 1918-10-18
PIETERS PIETER JACOBUS ANDRIES P J A Protectorate Garrison Regiment AUS MILITARY CEMETERY Namibia 1918-10-25
RANDALL T H Protectorate Garrison Regiment AUS MILITARY CEMETERY Namibia 1918-10-29
REEVES C Protectorate Garrison Regiment AUS MILITARY CEMETERY Namibia 1917-09-05
REYNOLDS THOMAS WILLIAM T W Protectorate Garrison Regiment AUS MILITARY CEMETERY Namibia 1918-10-20
RING JOHN J Protectorate Garrison Regiment AUS MILITARY CEMETERY Namibia 1918-10-20
SIMPSON PETER P Protectorate Garrison Regiment AUS MILITARY CEMETERY Namibia 1918-10-17
SMITH GIDEON FRANCOIS G F Protectorate Garrison Regiment AUS MILITARY CEMETERY Namibia 1918-10-16