The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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  • Unit = 5 South African Infantry Battalion

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
TWALA THEMBEKA PETROS T P South African Infantry Corps 5 South African Infantry Battalion SADF WALL OF REMEMBRANCE, VOORTREKKER MONUMENT, PRETORIA South Africa Gauteng 1999-11-18
VALLERO MARK FELICE M F South African Infantry Corps 5 South African Infantry Battalion DURBAN (STELLAWOOD) CEMETERY South Africa Kwazulu Natal 1970-09-13
VAN NIEKERK CORNELIUS ALBERTUS C A South African Infantry Corps 5 South African Infantry Battalion SADF WALL OF REMEMBRANCE, VOORTREKKER MONUMENT, PRETORIA South Africa Gauteng 1975-10-25
VENTER JACCOBUS LUKAS MARTHINUS J L M South African Infantry Corps 5 South African Infantry Battalion THABA TSHWANE (NEW) MILITARY CEMETERY South Africa Gauteng 1975-10-25
VICTOR D J South African Infantry Corps 5 South African Infantry Battalion SADF WALL OF REMEMBRANCE, VOORTREKKER MONUMENT, PRETORIA South Africa Gauteng 1979-12-14
VILJOEN KARL PAUL K P South African Infantry Corps 5 South African Infantry Battalion PIETERMARITZBURG (MOUNTAIN RISE) CEMETERY South Africa Kwazulu Natal 1978-08-10
WILLIAMS MORGAN JOHAN M J South African Infantry Corps 5 South African Infantry Battalion SADF WALL OF REMEMBRANCE, VOORTREKKER MONUMENT, PRETORIA South Africa Gauteng 1981-02-08
WILLIAMS OWEN CHRISTOPHER O C South African Infantry Corps 5 South African Infantry Battalion SPRINGS AREA CEMETERY ? South Africa Gauteng 1983-03-07
WOOD BARRY LLOYD B L South African Infantry Corps 5 South African Infantry Battalion DURBAN (STELLAWOOD) CREMATORIUM South Africa Kwazulu Natal 1981-01-26
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