The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
NALUNGWANA Northern Rhodesia Regiment 6th Bn. LUSAKA MEMORIAL Zambia 1946-02-05
NAMANE ADAM A Native Military Corps, S.A. Forces TOBRUK WAR CEMETERY Libya 1942-07-21
NANDENGA GABRIEL G Native Military Corps, S.A. Forces TSUMEB (NOMTSOUB) CEMETERY Namibia 1943-01-01
NANGHEMA PETRUS HISHIDIVALE P H Native Military Corps, S.A. Forces TSUMEB (NOMTSOUB) CEMETERY Namibia 1943-03-23
NAUDE JOHN J Native Military Corps, S.A. Forces TOBRUK WAR CEMETERY Libya 1942-05-27
NAUDE WILLIAM J.P. W J P South African Corps of Signals HELIOPOLIS WAR CEMETERY Egypt 1943-07-15
NCAPAYI NORMAN N Native Military Corps, S.A. Forces HALFAYA SOLLUM WAR CEMETERY Egypt 1942-04-26
NDAVA TAPERA MARTIN T M Internal Affairs UNKNOWN CEMETERY Zimbabwe 1978-12-07
NDEKEYA MWANZA Northern Rhodesia Regiment LUSAKA MEMORIAL Zambia 1941-06-11
NDHLAZI CHARLIE C Native Military Corps, S.A. Forces KNIGHTSBRIDGE WAR CEMETERY, ACROMA Libya 1941-11-23