The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
MATONGO MBINDO Northern Rhodesia Regiment LUSAKA MEMORIAL Zambia 1943-09-18
MATSHABE SAMUEL S Native Military Corps, S.A. Forces TOBRUK WAR CEMETERY Libya 1942-11-02
MATSIME MACK S M S Native Military Corps, S.A. Forces TRIPOLI WAR CEMETERY Libya 1944-11-02
MATSUBANE JOHANNES J Native Military Corps, S.A. Forces TOBRUK WAR CEMETERY Libya 1942-05-27
MATSWE JACK J Native Military Corps, S.A. Forces FAENZA WAR CEMETERY Italy 1942-09-25
MAUGHAN WILLIAM FRASER W F South African Service Corps KARIBIB CEMETERY Namibia 1918-10-28
MAVUGENE STATION S Native Military Corps, S.A. Forces UDINE WAR CEMETERY Italy 1945-09-12
MAWELA SAMUEL S Native Military Corps, S.A. Forces HELIOPOLIS WAR CEMETERY Egypt 1944-08-26
MAWEWE WILLIE SAM W S Native Military Corps, S.A. Forces TRIPOLI WAR CEMETERY Libya 1944-01-15
MAY N W Cape Corps, S.A. Forces KNIGHTSBRIDGE WAR CEMETERY, ACROMA Libya 1941-11-29