The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
THORA ANDRIES A Native Military Corps, S.A. Forces TOBRUK WAR CEMETERY Libya 1942-06-24
THORNE ANNE A Civilian War Dead M.V. "ABOSSO" Lost at Sea 1942-10-29
THORNTON FRANCIS MICHAEL F M Royal Army Ordnance Corps 126 Ammunition Coy. FAYID WAR CEMETERY Egypt 1943-03-06
THYS JAN J Cape Corps, S.A. Forces EL ALAMEIN WAR CEMETERY Egypt 1942-08-27
TILLEY GRENVILLE TREVOR G T South African Commandos Peninsular Commando CREMATED South Africa 1974-03-14
TIMOTI ZIMBA Northern Rhodesia Regiment 4th Bn. GILGIL WAR CEMETERY Kenya 1943-12-14
TINOSI CHIDAUSHE C Headquarters 2 Brigade MUDONI KRAAL GUTU TTL Zimbabwe 1976-04-02
TLALE NELL N Native Military Corps, S.A. Forces ALEXANDRIA (HADRA) WAR MEMORIAL CEMETERY Egypt 1942-08-29
TLHAGANE SELLO S Native Military Corps, S.A. Forces LESOTHO MEMORIAL Lesotho 1944-09-10
TOBIAS G Rhodesia Army UNKNOWN CEMETERY Zimbabwe 1979-01-01