The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
ATKINS SHAUN PATRICK S P South African Infantry Corps 6 South African Infantry Battalion EAST LONDON (CAMBRIDGE) CEMETERY South Africa Eastern Cape 1985-03-09
BOTHA AUBREY JOHN A J South African Infantry Corps 4 South African Infantry Battalion EAST LONDON (CAMBRIDGE) CEMETERY South Africa Eastern Cape 1981-01-23
BURSFORD HERBERT JAMES H J South African Infantry 2nd Regt. EAST LONDON (CAMBRIDGE) CEMETERY South Africa Eastern Cape 1919-04-15
DU PLESSIS FRANCOIS PHILLIPPUS F P South African Corps of Military Police EAST LONDON (CAMBRIDGE) CEMETERY South Africa Eastern Cape 1943-04-10
DUFFY MICHAEL PATRICK M P South African Air Force AFB Waterkloof EAST LONDON (CAMBRIDGE) CEMETERY South Africa Eastern Cape 1964-09-02
DURRHEIM CHRISTO CYRIL C C South African Infantry Corps 8 South African Infantry Battalion EAST LONDON (CAMBRIDGE) CEMETERY South Africa Eastern Cape 1991-04-20
EARNSHAW PHILLIP JOHN P J South African Infantry Corps 4 South African Infantry Battalion EAST LONDON (CAMBRIDGE) CEMETERY South Africa Eastern Cape 1991-12-15
GOODRICK HAROLD H South African Mounted Rifles 5th Regt. EAST LONDON (CAMBRIDGE) CEMETERY South Africa Eastern Cape 1919-11-05
KINDNESS COLIN WATSON C W South African Infantry Corps 4 South African Infantry Battalion EAST LONDON (CAMBRIDGE) CEMETERY South Africa Eastern Cape 1983-05-19
MOSS HERMANUS STEPHANUS LOMBARD H S L South African Infantry Corps Kaffrarian Rifles EAST LONDON (CAMBRIDGE) CEMETERY South Africa Eastern Cape 1976-03-26
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