The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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  • Regiment = Indian and Malay Corps, S.A. Forces

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
ABRAHAMS JOHANNES J Indian and Malay Corps, S.A. Forces CAPE TOWN (KLIP, GRASSY PARK) CEMETERY South Africa Western Cape 1943-04-29
ADAMS CASSIEM C Indian and Malay Corps, S.A. Forces CAPE TOWN (KLIP, GRASSY PARK) CEMETERY South Africa Western Cape 1943-03-21
ADAMS CORNELIUS C Indian and Malay Corps, S.A. Forces CAPE TOWN (KLIP, GRASSY PARK) CEMETERY South Africa Western Cape 1943-03-02
ADAMS DICK D Indian and Malay Corps, S.A. Forces CAPE TOWN (KLIP, GRASSY PARK) CEMETERY South Africa Western Cape 1944-06-29
ADAMS EDGAR E Indian and Malay Corps, S.A. Forces CAPE TOWN (KLIP, GRASSY PARK) CEMETERY South Africa Western Cape 1942-05-06
ADAMS KASPER K Indian and Malay Corps, S.A. Forces CAPE TOWN (KLIP, GRASSY PARK) CEMETERY South Africa Western Cape 1943-03-28
ADAMS KLAAS K Indian and Malay Corps, S.A. Forces CAPE TOWN (KLIP, GRASSY PARK) CEMETERY South Africa Western Cape 1946-08-16
AFRICA TITUS T Indian and Malay Corps, S.A. Forces CAPE TOWN (KLIP, GRASSY PARK) CEMETERY South Africa Western Cape 1942-04-29
ARENDSE LOUIS L Indian and Malay Corps, S.A. Forces CAPE TOWN (KLIP, GRASSY PARK) CEMETERY South Africa Western Cape 1946-05-09
BENDER FREDERICK JOHN F J Indian and Malay Corps, S.A. Forces CAPE TOWN (KLIP, GRASSY PARK) CEMETERY South Africa Western Cape 1944-03-09
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