The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
GAGE HAROLD EDWARD H E South African Infantry 4th Regt. BEAUREVOIR BRITISH CEMETERY France Aisne 1918-10-08
GIBSON GEORGE SAMUEL G S South African Infantry 4th Regt. BEAUREVOIR BRITISH CEMETERY France Aisne 1918-10-09
GODDEN CHARLES ROBERT C R South African Infantry 4th Regt. BEAUREVOIR BRITISH CEMETERY France Aisne 1918-10-08
GRAHAM DOUGLAS D South African Infantry 4th Regt. BEAUREVOIR BRITISH CEMETERY France Aisne 1918-10-08
GROVES ARTHUR A South African Infantry 4th Regt. BEAUREVOIR BRITISH CEMETERY France Aisne 1918-10-09
HAGGLUND CHARLES VICTOR C V South African Infantry 2nd Regt. BEAUREVOIR BRITISH CEMETERY France Aisne 1918-10-09
HARPER WALTER ALEXANDER W A South African Infantry 4th Regt. BEAUREVOIR BRITISH CEMETERY France Aisne 1918-10-08
HEYNS RICHARD ANDREW R A South African Infantry 4th Regt. BEAUREVOIR BRITISH CEMETERY France Aisne 1918-10-08
HIGGO CECIL JOHN C J South African Infantry 4th Regt. BEAUREVOIR BRITISH CEMETERY France Aisne 1918-10-08
HOPKINS REX JOHN R J South African Infantry 2nd Regt. BEAUREVOIR BRITISH CEMETERY France Aisne 1918-10-08