The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
MAKOENA HENRY H Military Labour Bureau, S.A. Forces Donkey Transport TULO AREA CEMETERY ? Mozambique 1917-02-26
MAKOENE MACK M Native Military Corps, S.A. Forces KNIGHTSBRIDGE WAR CEMETERY, ACROMA Libya 1942-06-20
MAKOFI NEWTON N Rhodesian African Rifles 1st Battalion URUNGWE DISTRICT AREA CEMETERY Zimbabwe 1971-08-02
MAKOFOLE WILLIAM W Military Labour Corps IRINGA AREA CEMETERY ? Tanzania 1917-04-08
MAKOHLISO Rhodesia Native Regiment 1st Bn. UNKNOWN CEMETERY Tanzania 1918-07-09
MAKOKELA QAYI Q South African Native Labour Corps 4th Bn. UNKNOWN CEMETERY South Africa Western Cape 1918-02-17
MAKOKOWA J Rhodesian Corps of Engineers 7 Squadron UNKNOWN CEMETERY Zimbabwe 1980-04-25
MAKOLA N T South African Police Eastern Transvaal Division SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE MEMORIAL, PRETORIA (UNION BUILDINGS) South Africa Gauteng 1986-06-08
MAKOLE BENJAMIN B South African Native Labour Corps 5th Bn. HOLLYBROOK MEMORIAL, SOUTHAMPTON United Kingdom Hampshire 1917-02-21
MAKOMANE KLAAS K South African Native Labour Corps ARQUES-LA-BATAILLE BRITISH CEMETERY France Seine-Maritime 1917-07-10