The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
MCANYANA RUSSELL PALMER R P South African Native Labour Corps 5th Bn. HOLLYBROOK MEMORIAL, SOUTHAMPTON United Kingdom Hampshire 1917-02-21
McARTHUR DANIEL D South African Infantry 1st Regt. GROOTEBEEK BRITISH CEMETERY Belgium Poperinge, West-Vlaanderen 1918-04-27
McARTHUR DANIEL AUGUSTINE D A General and Base Depots, S.A. Forces Depot Battalion (Wynberg). CAPE TOWN (PLUMSTEAD) CEMETERY South Africa Western Cape 1915-07-26
McARTHUR DONALD GEORGE D G South African Infantry 2nd Regt. WARLENCOURT BRITISH CEMETERY France Pas de Calais 1916-10-12
McARTHUR DUNCAN D Royal Scots 2nd Bn. ARRAS MEMORIAL France Pas de Calais 1917-05-03
McARTHUR ERIC E Witwatersrand Rifles/Regiment de la Rey, S.A. Forces CASTIGLIONE SOUTH AFRICAN CEMETERY Italy 1945-04-16
McARTHUR JOHN BURNS J B South African Air Force 31 Sqdn. BUDAPEST WAR CEMETERY Hungary 1944-08-07
McAULEY EDWARD E South African Infantry 3rd Regt. LONDON CEMETERY AND EXTENSION, LONGUEVAL France Somme 1916-07-14
MCAWANA or MGAWANA Rhodesia Native Regiment UNKNOWN CEMETERY Malawi Unknown 1918-08-13
McBARNET EDWARD WILLIAM E W Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve UPPER HEYFORD CEMETERY United Kingdom Oxfordshire 1941-08-18