The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
McCAHOUN W South African Pay Corps JOHANNESBURG (BRAAMFONTEIN) CEMETERY South Africa Gauteng 1941-12-25
McCALL GERALD JOSEPH G J South African Army THABA TSHWANE (OLD No.1) MILITARY CEMETERY South Africa Gauteng 1952-03-07
McCALL HUGH JOHN H J Rhodesian Light Infantry 1st Battalion HARARE (WARREN HILLS) CEMETERY Zimbabwe Harare (Salisbury) 1979-07-16
McCALLA JAMES COPELAND J C South African Infantry 3rd Regt. ANNAHILT CHURCH OF IRELAND GRAVEYARD United Kingdom County Antrim 1918-11-29
MCCALLUM ALFRED DESMOND A D South West African Territory Force 32 (Buffalo) Battalion VEREENIGING (JACOBSKOP) CEMETERY South Africa Gauteng 1987-09-13
McCALLUM CYRIL FIDELIS C F South African Infantry 4th Regt. THIEPVAL MEMORIAL France Somme 1916-07-15
McCALLUM GERT PETER G P South African Military Constabulary 1st ROOIDAM MILITARY CEMETERY South Africa Free State 1920-09-11
McCALLUM HENRY HERBERT H H South African Heavy Artillery KIMBERLEY (WEST END) CEMETERY South Africa Northern Cape 1918-10-06
McCALLUM HUGH H South African Infantry 4th Regt. POZIERES MEMORIAL France Somme 1918-03-24
McCALLUM HUGH CRAWFORD H C First City/Cape Town Highlanders, S.A. Forces CASTIGLIONE SOUTH AFRICAN CEMETERY Italy 1945-04-16