The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
MAY FRANK BARRY F B Regiment Botha, S.A. Forces 2nd MILAN WAR CEMETERY Italy 1942-05-11
MAY GEORGE G South African Infantry 3rd Regt. THIEPVAL MEMORIAL France Somme 1916-07-15
MAY GEORGE ALFRED FRANK G A F Merchant Navy S.S. Melrose Abbey (Leith) TOWER HILL MEMORIAL United Kingdom London 1942-12-27
MAY JAN J Cape Corps 1st MOMBASA BRITISH MEMORIAL Kenya 1917-06-07
MAY JOHN J Cape Corps 1st DAR ES SALAAM WAR CEMETERY Tanzania 1917-01-23
MAY JOHN J Cape Corps, S.A. Forces BROOKWOOD 1939-1945 MEMORIAL United Kingdom Surrey 1942-04-25
MAY JONNIE HARRY J H 86 Technical Stores Depot UNKNOWN CEMETERY South Africa Unknown 1981-02-15
MAY JOSEPH J Military Labour Bureau, S.A. Forces KILWA AREA CEMETERY ? Tanzania 1917-02-19
MAY KENNETH K Cape Corps, S.A. Forces DURBAN (STELLAWOOD) CEMETERY South Africa Kwazulu Natal 1944-03-01
MAY NOBLE N Cape Auxiliary Horse Transport 22nd Coy. LES BARAQUES MILITARY CEMETERY, SANGATTE France Pas de Calais 1918-08-11