The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
McNAUGHTON ALEXANDER A South African Service Corps Animal Transport DAR ES SALAAM WAR CEMETERY Tanzania 1916-12-31
McNAUGHTON DUNCAN D South African Infantry 4th Regt. BRIGHTON (BEAR ROAD) BOROUGH CEMETERY United Kingdom Sussex 1917-10-15
McNAUGHTON PETER TRAVERS P T South African Medical Corps 4th Field Ambulance DAR ES SALAAM WAR CEMETERY Tanzania 1917-12-05
McNAUGHTON ROBERT WATT R W South African Infantry 1st Regt. GREVILLERS BRITISH CEMETERY France Pas de Calais 1918-10-19
McNEIL F King's African Rifles 2nd/3rd Bn. MOMBASA BRITISH MEMORIAL Kenya 1918-07-03
McNEIL EDMUND CHAPMAN E C South African Veteran Reserve Garrison Military Police PRETORIA (REBECCA STREET) CEMETERY South Africa Gauteng 1918-10-22
McNEIL HARRY LESLIE H L South African Engineer Corps 31 Road Construction Coy. EL ALAMEIN WAR CEMETERY Egypt 1941-10-25
McNEIL JOHN ZUILL J Z Cape Corps 1st DAR ES SALAAM WAR CEMETERY Tanzania 1917-11-07
McNEIL WILLIAM ASTBURY W A South African Infantry 3rd Regt. LA NEUVILLE BRITISH CEMETERY, CORBIE France Somme 1916-07-21
McNEILL DONALD D Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders 3rd Bn. DAR ES SALAAM BRITISH AND INDIAN MEMORIAL Tanzania 1918-07-03