The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
SAUL NORMAN PRIESTLEY N P Royal New Zealand Air Force 75 (R.A.F.) Sqdn REICHSWALD FOREST WAR CEMETERY Germany Kleve, Nordrhein-Westfalen 1942-09-07
SAULO JACOB J South West African Police South West Africa Police Counter-Insurgency Wing: Ops-K Division (KOEVOET) UNKNOWN CEMETERY South Africa Unknown 1983-04-18
SAULOS PETER P Guard Force UNKNOWN CEMETERY Zimbabwe 1979-02-20
SAULOS LUSALI Northern Rhodesia Regiment 2nd Bn. LUSAKA MEMORIAL Zambia 1944-05-08
SAULS ANDRIES A South African Police BELLVILLE (STIKLAND) CEMETERY South Africa Western Cape 2001-05-09
SAULS CHARLES ANTONIE C A Cape Corps, S.A. Forces CAPE TOWN (KLIP, GRASSY PARK) CEMETERY South Africa Western Cape 1942-10-23
SAULS LOUIS L Indian and Malay Corps, S.A. Forces DE HOOP (MARE'S) CEMETERY, DE RUST South Africa Western Cape 1944-04-01
SAULS PETER P Cape Corps 1st KIMBERLEY (WEST END) CEMETERY South Africa Northern Cape 1918-10-11
SAULS SOLOMON S Cape Corps, S.A. Forces KIMBERLEY (WEST END) CEMETERY South Africa Northern Cape 1944-05-09
SAUNDERS S Indian and Malay Corps, S.A. Forces LADYSMITH CEMETERY South Africa Kwazulu Natal 1943-11-30