The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
SOLOMON JOSEPH J South African Air Force PRETORIA (REBECCA STREET) CEMETERY South Africa Gauteng 1942-02-03
SOLOMON LAURIE L South African Air Force 12 Sqdn. EL ALAMEIN WAR CEMETERY Egypt 1941-10-07
SOLOMON LOUIS VINTCENT L V South African Horse 7th MOROGORO CEMETERY Tanzania 1916-11-20
SOLOMON MARC STEPHEN M S South African Army JOHANNESBURG (WEST PARK) CEMETERY South Africa Gauteng 1984-08-23
SOLOMON MICHAEL JOHN M J Natal Mounted Rifles, S.A. Forces ORVIETO WAR CEMETERY Italy 1944-06-21
SOLOMON SIDNEY JAMES S J South African Infantry 5th Regt. DAR ES SALAAM WAR CEMETERY Tanzania 1917-01-17
SOLOMON STANLEY OWEN S O Natal Mounted Rifles, S.A. Forces 1st Bn. ALAMEIN MEMORIAL Egypt 1942-06-15
SOLOMON STEPHAN S Military Labour Corps DURBAN AREA CEMETERY ? South Africa Kwazulu Natal 1917-08-22
SOLOMON WILLIAM W Military Labour Bureau, S.A. Forces KILWA AREA CEMETERY ? Tanzania 1917-01-25
SOLOMON WILLIE W Military Labour Bureau, S.A. Forces Railway Section TANGA AREA CEMETERY ? Tanzania 1916-11-17