The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
SCHONKEN JOHANNES GERHARDUS J G South African Police 30 Dist (Kroonstad) OFS Div KROONSTAD OLD CEMETERY South Africa Free State 1918-10-19
SCHONKEN WILLEM PETRUS W P 1st Reserve Brigade, S.A. Forces PORT ELIZABETH (NORTH END) CEMETERY South Africa Eastern Cape 1945-05-28
SCHONNBERG GEOFFREY STUART G S Rhodesian Artillery 1st Field Regiment HARARE (WARREN HILLS) CEMETERY Zimbabwe Harare (Salisbury) 1966-11-20
SCHOOLING ARTHUR GARDNER A G South African Infantry 1st Regt. THIEPVAL MEMORIAL France Somme 1916-07-16
SCHOOMBIE BAREND JACOBUS B J Reserve Brigade, S.A. Forces 9th Bn. NDOLA (KANSENSHI) CEMETERY Zambia 1945-09-28
SCHOOMBIE JOHANNES NIKOLAAS J N Reserve Brigade, S.A. Forces 9th Bn. NDOLA (KANSENSHI) CEMETERY Zambia 1945-09-28
SCHOONRAAD FREDRIK JACOBUS F J South African Air Force BOKSBURG CEMETERY South Africa Gauteng 1942-06-17
SCHOONWYK W Cape Corps, S.A. Forces KIMBERLEY (WEST END) CEMETERY South Africa Northern Cape 1942-04-12
SCHOOR CHARLES C Cape Auxiliary Horse Transport 22nd Coy. TERLINCTHUN BRITISH CEMETERY, WIMILLE France Pas de Calais 1918-09-07
SCHORN FERDINAND MARTIN F M South African Veteran Reserve Recruits Depot KLERKSDORP CEMETERY South Africa North West Province 1918-10-28