The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
MacKAY ALEXANDER A South African Engineer Corps 25 Works Coy. EAST AFRICA MEMORIAL Kenya 1941-06-21
MACKAY ANTHONY DOUGLAS FREDERICK A D F South African Air Force Air Force Gymnasium UNKNOWN CEMETERY South Africa Unknown 1978-08-13
MACKAY BENJAMIN SUTHERLAND B S South African Infantry 2nd Regt. THIEPVAL MEMORIAL France Somme 1916-10-12
MACKAY DONALD GEORGE D G Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 44 Sqdn. BERLIN 1939-1945 WAR CEMETERY Germany Berlin, Berlin 1942-05-09
MACKAY DONALD HUGH D H Australian Army Ordnance Corps A.I.F. 14 L. of C. Sub Area Wksps. ADELAIDE RIVER WAR CEMETERY Australia Northern Territory 1942-07-17
MACKAY DUNCAN HOPE D H British South Africa Police UNKNOWN CEMETERY Zimbabwe 1977-01-02
MACKAY ISAAC I Military Labour Corps TANGA AREA CEMETERY ? Tanzania 1917-04-25
MACKAY JAMES ANDREW J A Rand Light Infantry, S.A. Forces 1st HALFAYA SOLLUM WAR CEMETERY Egypt 1941-12-31
MACKAY JAMES IVAN J I Royal Flying Corps 70th Sqdn. LIJSSENTHOEK MILITARY CEMETERY Belgium Poperinge, West-Vlaanderen 1917-10-05
MACKAY JOHN GEORGE J G Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve 26 Sqdn. SCONE CEMETERY United Kingdom Perthshire 1941-01-26