The South Africa War Graves Project - Search Results

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Name Given Name Initials Regiment Unit Cemetery Country Locality Date of Death
BAILEY WILLIAM JAMES PERCIVAL W J P Royal Engineers 1st/2nd (Hants) Army Troops Coy. LILLERS COMMUNAL CEMETERY France Pas de Calais 1915-09-26
BAILEY WILLIAM THOMAS W T South African Air Force BARI WAR CEMETERY Italy 1945-10-16
BAILEY WILLIAM VICTOR W V South African Infantry 1st Regt. YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL Belgium Ieper, West-Vlaanderen 1917-10-18
BAILIE CHRISTIAAN CONSTANT C C South African Artillery 7/23 Medium Regt. AREZZO WAR CEMETERY Italy 1944-12-06
BAILIE WILLIAM W South African Artillery 1 A.A. Regt. TOBRUK WAR CEMETERY Libya 1941-08-14
BAILLACHE JOSEPH NOEL MARCEL J N M Merchant Navy S.S. Oxfordshire DIED AT SEA Lost at Sea 1944-02-23
BAILLIE DAVID D South African Corps of Military Police PADUA WAR CEMETERY Italy 1944-09-27
BAILLIE JOHN HENRY J H Durham Light Infantry 15th Bn. ARRAS MEMORIAL France Pas de Calais 1917-05-03
BAILLIE JOHN POLLOCK J P South African Air Force Regiment (Natal Mounted Rifles) BOLSENA WAR CEMETERY Italy 1944-06-28
BAILLIE RICHARD PAUL R P South African Infantry Corps 6 South African Infantry Battalion CREMATED South Africa 1980-11-11