Son of Edward John Gregory Good and Tabitha Anne Good. Attestation document dated 8th January 1916 in to the South African Overseas Expeditionary Force records his place of birth as Surrey, England. He discloses that he previously served with the Royal Sussex Volunteers for two years and was 25 years old. Occupation given as skipman and his next of kin, his brother, Arthur Stephen Good of 11A, Whitaker Street, Jeppe Extension, Johannesburg. He joined his unit a week after disembarking at Rouen on 8th August 1916. Buchan's South African Forces in France gives a description of the attack on the German front-line trenches known as Snag and Tail and the failure to advance on to the trench line lying in the vicinity of the Butte de Warlencourt. British War Medal and Victory Medal were dispatched in February 1934, presumably to his brother. On Macheke War Memorial |